Organic Hemp

An incredible fabric provided by mother nature

Hemp is only one of the fabrics we use to produce our clothes. It is one of the most incredible gifts from mother nature. The list of benefits is endless when it comes to hemp. It is 300% stronger than cotton for example. And with time, the fabric gets softer from washing unlike with cotton where it gets harder.

Himalayan Hemp

Hemp can reverse the damage caused to the environment while offering us beautiful clothing and textiles to use.

Here some Facts:

  1. Cultivated and grown for hundreds of years

  2. highly durable — four times the strength of cotton

  3. insulates — keeping you warm in winter and cool in summer

  4. naturally anti-fungal and anti-microbial

  5. doesn’t contain or shed micro-plastics

  6. resists odor and mildew

  7. naturally hypoallergenic

  8. excellent UV rating

  9. easy to care for and fast-drying

  10. soft on the skin — hemp wears in not out, becoming softer and more comfortable over time

  11. biodegradable — minimizing your ecological footprint

The process of transforming the raw product into the fabric (which can be done organically through a mechanical process that requires no chemicals) results in 60% less air pollution than cotton, and it is amazingly renewable; the plant returns 60-70% of the nutrients it takes from the soil.

Hemp fiber (Cannabis Sativa): Not to be confused with cannabis used for eating or smoking which is actually a different plant distinguished by THC content (less than 1% for industrial hemp).  Hemp fiber is a great sustainable option. It can be grown organically and is beneficial to the soil and air. It helps fertilize the soil on its own as the leaves fall and decompose while retaining soil moisture, it is a good producer of oxygen, and it controls topsoil erosion due to its strong network of roots.  Hemp is also fast-growing, leading to greater crop yield. To process hemp, the fibers have to be separated from the woody core, which is usually done by field retting or water retting. The only downside to the water retting process is that it does require excessive amounts of water. Some benefits of hemp fabric: wicking, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties, insulating, and conducting properties.

Hemp farming is so vital for our environment as it requires little water, there are no pesticides or herbicides used to grow it, the plant regenerates and aerates the soil with each grow-cycle and absorbs more carbon dioxide than trees, and is carbon negative.

Hemp has numerous environmental benefits that promote sustainability. The hemp plant almost eliminates the need for pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. It requires less water than most fiber crops. Due of its resiliency, it has also been flagged as a natural way to clean up soil pollution. Hemp absorbs carbon dioxide through natural photosynthesis, making it a carbon negative crop. Hemp has more than 5,000 uses, making hemp a very valuable resource for the mankind. As each part of the plant is  utilized, there is negligible to zero plant waste. Hemp truly classifies as a sustainable crop.

In a traditional linear economy we manufacture, use, and throw, on the other hand in a circular economy we make use of resources and products for as long as  possible, extract maximum value while in use. Even at the end of each service life, we recover, regenerate and use the end product as a raw material resource. Sustainable fashion incorporates the basic principles of circular economy. Thus, maximizing the utilization and reducing the waste.

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